
Q: Do you offer same-day delivery?
A: No, we do not offer same-day delivery for any orders. All orders require processing time before they can be shipped or collected.

Q: How long does it take to process my order?
A: All orders, whether for delivery or self-collection, may take up to 7 working days to process. This time allows us to ensure your items are packed accurately and securely.

Q: After my order is processed, how long will shipping take?
A: Once your order is processed, shipping via our external courier service typically takes an additional 1-3 working days, depending on your location.

Q: Is there a delivery charge?
A: Yes, delivery charges vary based on your location and the total weight of your order. The exact shipping fee will be calculated at checkout, and you will see the total before you confirm your order.

Q: Can I pick up my order on the same day?
A: No, we do not offer same-day self-collection. Please wait for the email notification before coming over to collect.

Q: When can I collect my order from the warehouse?
A: Collection is available at our warehouse at 4 Toh Tuck Link, Venus Beauty Building, Singapore 596226 on the following days and hours:

  • Days: Tuesdays to Fridays (excluding Public Holidays)
  • Hours: 10am to 11am, 2pm to 4.30pm

Grace period for collection is 2 weeks from the date you receive the "ready for collection" message to collect your order. If the order is not collected within this period, we reserve the right to:

  • Charge a storage fee of $2 per week (starting from the 3rd and 4th week after the ready-to-collect date).
  • Cancel the order without a refund after 4 weeks from the ready-to-collect date.

Additionally, if a cancellation request is made by the customer, the following charges will apply:

  • Admin fee: $10
  • Cancellation fee: $10

Q: Where should I go and what should I do when I arrive for self-collection?
A: Upon arrival, please head to the main lobby and dial the extension indicated on the self-collect counter. Our staff will assist you with the collection process.

Q: What if I can’t pick up my order during the specified times?
A: If you’re unable to collect your order during the available hours, please reach out to our customer service team. We may be able to arrange an alternative pick-up time or discuss shipping options.

Q: Will I receive a notification when my order is ready for collection?
A: Yes, you will receive an email notification once your order has been processed and is ready for collection. Please wait for this notification before visiting the warehouse.

Q: Can I change my shipping or collection method after placing an order?
A: Unfortunately, once an order is placed, we cannot change the shipping or collection method. If you have specific needs, please contact our customer service team as soon as possible, and we’ll do our best to assist you.

Q: What should I do if my order hasn’t arrived after the processing and shipping time?
A: If you have not received your order after the full processing and shipping time, please check your email for any updates regarding your shipment. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to contact our customer service team for assistance.

Q: Do you offer international shipping?
A: Currently, we only offer domestic shipping.