Bausch & Lomb Ocuvite Adult 50+ w/ Vitamin D 50s

S$ 28.90

Key Features & Benefits
Helps protect eye health by replenishing essential eye nutrients that you can lose as you age1

Optimal blend of Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Omega-3 and antioxidants

Now enhanced with Vitamin D, proven to support healthy cell function2

Convenient once a day dosing

Easy to swallow MiniGels

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As you age, your eyes lose key nutrients, leaving your eyes more vulnerable to daily stressors, which may lead to eye health issues. Dietary studies have shown the importance of nutrition in maintaining eye health.1-5

Bausch + Lomb has developed Ocuvite® Adult 50+ with Vitamin D. This unique formula helps replenish the vital nutrients that your eyes lose due to ageing.1 In addition to other minerals and nutrients, it also contains 5 mg of Lutein and 1 mg of Zeaxanthin, plus 250 mg of Omega-3 which are important for proper retinal function and support overall eye health.1 And now Ocuvite® Adult 50+ has been enhanced with 30 micrograms of Vitamin D, an antioxidant proven to support healthy cell function.2

Dark, leafy, green vegetables are rich in Lutein and Zeaxanthin, but many of us typically do not get enough in our diet.5 Omega-3 can be found in foods such as oil-rich fish, fish oil, nuts, and fortified eggs.1,3 Vitamin D can be found in fatty fish, cod liver oil, egg yolks and mushroom.4

With evolving lifestyle, your eyes may be more vulnerable to daily stressors like staring at your phone or computer for hours and sunlight exposure. The ingredients in Ocuvite® Adult 50+ with Vitamin D help replenish essential eye nutrients and antioxidants to help protect your eye health.

*Due to packaging redesign and improvements, these may not reflect exactly the product you receive*

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